January, 1982

by Art Mattson, OCM Historian

Let’s revisit January, 1982.

Bill Harvey had just become President after Bob Swanson resigned due to heavy professional commitments. Mensanity Toastmasters was thriving under the leadership of President Beth Hinkle and fellow officers Melody Moran, Ken Burke, Kathy Hardy, Jane Brackett and Barry Stone. Joan Wood was finalizing plans for our Mensa Art Show with an assist from Brenda ReVelle. Joan’s Poetry SIG met for Sunday tea with a focus on that “most fascinating of topics, love.” Joan also led the Art Hobble and Gobble group to brunch at the Good Earth and a visit to the Newport Harbor Art Museum. Speaking of brunch, Judy Semler led her Sunday Brunch Bunch to the Quiet Cannon in Dana Point. Still about food, Paul Courry started his Supper SIG with a visit to Koto’s, Raoul hosted us for spaghetti dinner, and Karol Hawn led us to dinner at Coco’s before our monthly General Meeting. We had those every month with a featured speaker (about LASERs, new at the time).

Judy Semler’s Film Lovers went to the Port Theater, the Games SIG played Risk at Steve and Sara Cullison’s, Chasers met at Barry Stone’s to watch the Paper Chase, and the Jazz SIG gathered at Don Green’s. The Wise Guys and Gals led by Art Mattson conducted its 2nd Annual Scrabble Tournament and Ist Annual Cribbage Tournament. Bev Cohen had won the first Scrabble Tournament, defeating eleven competitors. Art also hosted the Bridge SIG, Mensa Annual Colloquium SIG, and the discussion SIG (which met at the home of Ed and Sarah Kalaukis to discuss Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll). The Book Discussion SIG at Paul Duchon’s gave Being There a going over.

Joe Perel put on a fabulous New Members Reception and Super Bowl Party. David Lubman led the Culture Vultures to a Classicale Musicale at the home of Nancy Barnes and a Classical Music Listening in his own home. We had five Happy Hours (Francis Taylor, Karol Hawn, Joe Perel and Art Mattson were hosts) and two Sociables parties (35+ at Dianne Smith and Smitty’s and 21-35 at Daryl Delimar’s). Beth Hinkle led three groups; Healthy Food Adventuring, Personal Growth, and Seth Study.

Karol Hawn’s S.I.G.H. (Huggers Group) was everywhere.

Reprinted from the January, 2014, Oracle


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