We have a full schedule of social activities each month, ranging from lunches and happy hours to games nights, discussion groups, trivia, and our Speakers Forum.
All events are open to all Mensa members, and to guests who accompany Mensa members. Events in public places (restaurants, theaters, etc.) are also open to prospective members. RSVPs are not required, except as noted.
The calendar of activities in the Oracle (our monthly newsletter) may include additional events that are open only to Mensa members and their guests. To view the Calendar in the Oracle, please visit American Mensa’s local group newsletters webpage. Have your Mensa log-in info (email address and password) ready.
Once a week, we send an Email Blast — “This Week in OC Mensa” — that lists the activities for the next seven days to each member with an email address on file with American Mensa.
Mensa members: You can schedule your own activity or get-together in next month’s calendar by submitting a Calendar entry to our Calendar Editor at: calendar@ocmensa.org
Note: To protect the privacy of our hosts, home addresses, personal email addresses, and phone numbers are not listed on this website. Current members of Orange County Mensa can access this information in the current Oracle newsletter or the weekly eBlast.
Wednesday, March 19
1:00 PM South of the Border
Join us south of the border (the border being the El Toro Y) for a south-county lunch. RSVP not required. Look for the black-and-yellow “M” sign on the table.
Location this month: Minato Sushi 23505 El Toro Rd, Lake Forest
Directions: Exit I-5 at El Toro Rd, head inland a half mile; on the left.
Contact: Tom Streeter
Wednesday, March 26
12:30 PM (almost) FREE LUNCH
Revel in some classic diner grub done right. You can get American or Mexican food at Paul’s Place. They even have gyros!
Location: Paul’s Place. 125 E. Taft Ave., Orange. NE corner of Glassell
Contact: John Olsen
Sunday, March 30
1:00 PM Bylaws Vote Counting
Bylaws Vote Counting. This event is open to all members of OC Mensa.
Location: At the home of Thea Wills-Olsen and John Olsen, Orange
Contact: Thea Wills-Olsen
Wednesday, April 2
12:35 PM LuncH with a Capital H
We’re back at our old haunt. Join us for sandwiches and conversation and maybe a beer. Look for us at the round big table (if we get it).
Location: Hollingshead’s Deli, 368 S. Main St., Orange. Behind Victory Diner. North of the 22 Fwy, south of Chapman. Look for Deli sign in the corner of a small shopping center.
Contact: John Olsen
Thursday, April 3
12:00 Noon First Thursday Lunch
Please join us at Cafe Rose Express. Typical full lunches priced from about $8 to $25. Fresh salads & pastries. Full lunch menu with daily specials. We’re welcoming, good natured and friendly. If the weather is nice, we may be outside in the shade. Look for the M on a yellow background.
Location: Cafe Rose Express, 1570 Scenic Ave., Costa Mesa, 949-478-8777
Contact: John Kerr
Saturday, April 5
7:00 PM Open House Party
This month’s Open House is at the home of John Olsen and Thea Wills-Olsen. We always have a great time there, so please join us for fun conversation, food, and drinks. Mensa members and their accompanied guests only. $5 each.
Location: Orange
Contact: John Olsen
Sunday, April 6
3:00 PM OCM Board Meeting – Zoom
The Board is meeting to handle the business of Orange County Mensa. This meeting will be via Zoom and all OC Mensa members are welcome to attend. You can attend on a computer, smart phone, or tablet. If you prefer, you can listen in on a landline phone. If you plan to attend, RSVP to Greg De Hoogh to receive the login information/link for joining the meeting.
Contact: Greg De Hoogh, OCM President
Sunday, April 13
10:30 AM Atheists United Orange Co., Second Sunday Brunch
The conversation is enjoyable and unstructured among like-minded friends. We order brunch from the menu. We are open to the public, free parking at the hotel. If you have questions, please call or text David Doss of Atheists United Orange County. Or go to: meetup.com/orange-county-second-sunday-brunch/events An RSVP is appreciated.
Location: The restaurant inside the Hyatt Regency Hotel, 4545 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. (The cross street is Birch, near the airport).
Contact: Joyce Farmer
Monday, April 14
10:00 PM Calendar and Oracle Deadlines
Submit May calendar entries to the Calendar Editor at Calendar@ocmensa.org .
Submit May Oracle entries (articles & photos) to the Oracle Editor at Editor@ocmensa.org .
Wednesday, April 16
1:00 PM South of the Border
Join us south of the border (the border being the El Toro Y) for a south-county lunch. RSVP not required. Look for the black-and-yellow “M” sign on the table.
Location this month: Minato Sushi 23505 El Toro Rd, Lake Forest
Directions: Exit I-5 at El Toro Rd, head inland a half mile; on the left.
Contact: Tom Streeter
Sunday, April 27
3:00 PM New Member Meet & Greet & Mensa 101
If you joined Mensa within the last year (or if you have been a member for a while, but haven’t attended very much and you want to know more about Mensa), you are invited to join us for coffee or iced tea, casual conversation, and an orientation to Mensa. Meet other new members and learn from a few of OCM’s more experienced members about Orange County Mensa and how to make the most of your Mensa membership.
Directions: Oak Creek Shopping Center, 5653 Alton Parkway, Irvine. Outside on the patio in front of Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf.
Contact: Angie Mattson
Wednesday, April 30
12:30 PM (almost) FREE LUNCH
It’s time for a hearty German lunch! Join us for sandwiches or sausages and maybe a German brew at Mattern Sausage and Deli.
Location: Mattern Sausage and Deli. 4327 E. Chapman Ave., Orange
Contact: John Olsen
Save the Date!
Sunday, May 18, 11:00 AM
Orange County Mensa Anniversary Brunch