About Orange County Mensa


Orange County Mensa (OCM) is a Local Group of American Mensa, the High I.Q. Society.

We are located in Southern California, south of Los Angeles and north of San Diego. Click here for a map of our geographic area.

Orange County Mensa has more than 600 members.


We are an award-winning chapter of American Mensa


Orange County Mensa consistently has received awards from American Mensa in recognition that we rank very high in terms of activities, member participation, and communications with our members via newsletter, website, and social media compared to Mensa local groups of a similar size (Class II = 400 – 1099 members).



We have a full calendar of activities each month, ranging from lunches and happy hours to games nights, discussion groups, trivia, and chocolate lovers parties. The events listed on this web site are open to all Mensa members and their guests, as well as to prospective members. The calendar of activities in the Oracle (our monthly newsletter) may include additional events that are open only to Mensa members and their guests. Once a week, we send an Email Blast that lists the activities for the next seven days to each member with an email address on file with American Mensa.


Our monthly newsletter, the Oracle, includes the monthly calendar of activities, as well as current news about Orange County Mensa, puzzles, and articles written by our members. Depending on each member’s expressed preference, a printed copy may be mailed  or an electronic copy may be emailed. Click here to view the Oracle online (Mensa member ID and password required).


An Open House is an excellent opportunity to meet and converse with fellow Mensans. OCM sponsors an Open House at a member’s home on the first Saturday of most months. The cost is $5 per person for members and their guests who accompany them. Dates and locations are printed in the calendar in the Oracle.


Orange County Mensa occasionally holds a Speakers Forum, featuring a speaker on a current topic of interest. Typically, there is no charge for this event, and members of the public are welcome. Dates and locations are printed in the calendar in the Oracle.


A Regional Gathering is a weekend of planned and spontaneous fun attended by Mensans and guests from all over Southern California as well as from throughout the U.S.  OCM’s RG is held annually over Labor Day weekend. Activities range from speakers and workshops to games, trivia, contests, arts and crafts, music, food and drink. The RG is an ideal place to get acquainted.


Each year, we celebrate the Anniversary of OCM’s establishment as an independent Local Group (in 1980) with a brunch or a dinner, usually at the beginning of April. This is also when we thank our outgoing officers and install our newly elected officers for the coming year.


Each year the Mensa Foundation awards cash scholarships to individuals pursuing higher education. Both members and nonmembers may enter the scholarship competition by submitting an essay. Orange County Mensa has two scholarships (the Art Mattson Memorial and Larry Grannis Memorial Scholarships) designated for applicants who reside in a zip code assigned to Orange County Mensa. Our members also serve as judges for local entries.


OCM is administered by a seven-member Board. Elections are every March. The names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses of current officers and committee chairpersons are listed in each issue of the Oracle. Or, find their email addresses on our Contact Us page. Keep in mind that OCM is run entirely by our members who volunteer their time and talents.


A warm welcome is extended to our  New Members! We encourage you to attend an event soon and get to know your fellow Orange County Mensans. At first you may feel like everyone else knows each other and you don’t know anyone, but after you attend several events, you’ll soon become “one of the gang.”

After only a short time, you will discover the unexpected bonus of close friendships and warmth that the group offers. For many of us, Mensa has become a kind of “second home,” a place to be ourselves and share our feelings, experiences and enthusiasms. That’s the best reason for becoming active. If you find business contacts or improve your love life at the same time, so much the better. We hope you won’t wait too long before giving us a try.

You can learn more in our Mensa 101 section.

We Get Social

 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OCMensa

 Facebook (members only): www.facebook.com/groups/Orange.County.Mensa


First, you need to be a member of American Mensa.  If you join American Mensa and reside in the zip codes assigned to Orange County Mensa (in southern California), you automatically become a member of Orange County Mensa. Or, you if you live elsewhere, you can be a member of OCM by preference. You can find more information on our Join Us page.


These pages and all content Copyright 2019 by Orange County Mensa, all rights reserved.
Mensa® and the Mensa logo (as depicted for example in U.S. TM Reg. No. 1,405,381) are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by American Mensa, Ltd., and are registered in other countries by Mensa International Limited and/or affiliated national Mensa organizations.
Mensa does not hold any opinions, or have, or express, any political or religious views.